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2024 Notice of Race, Sailing Notes and Trophies
Notice of Race

The annual races organised by the Humber Yawl Club are listed and scheduled in the HYC Sailing Programme.
Visiting yachts are welcome and berths are available by contacting the North Bank Berthing Administrator in advance at NorthBankBerthing[at]


1. Rules
Racing will be governed by the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of the RYA when applicable, the current Humber Yawl Club Sailing Instructions and the relevant Class Rules. Changes or additional instructions may also be posted on the Notice Board in the Brough Club House. 

2. Eligibility and Entry
All club yachts are eligible to race. Yachts must be entered with their sail number on the signing on sheet in the OD’s box prior to the start of the race. Two boats are required to have signed on and entered the start area to constitute a race. 

3. Classification
Races shall be held for the following classes:

NHC Handicap Class
Byron Handicap Class
Squib Class

National Handicap for Cruisers under NHC Handicap System
Byron Handicap System
National Squib Owners Association

4. Schedule
The series of annual races are scheduled in the HYC Sailing Programme. Start times are defined but tidal conditions may cause these to vary. 

5.  Sailing Instructions
HYC sailing instruction are posted on the club notice board and are available here: HYC Sailing Instructions

6. Scoring
The scoring system will be as recommended by the Racing Rules of Sailing Appendix 1, section 2.  Any Yacht that does not have a valid handicap number for NHC will be allocated a number by the Sailing Secretary and Fleet Captains. However to race under the Byron Rating  a yacht must have a current rating as issued by the Byron website.

7. Radio Communications
All radio communications will take place on VHF Ch37(M).

8. Prizes
All annual prizes are identified within this programme. Any additional prizes will be identified in the notice of race for the Regatta or other special events.


2024 Sailing Notes

Safety of Racing Yachts
Yacht crews are reminded that:-

1.     Each participating boat must have on board a reliable VHF radio and a buoyancy aid for all crew. It is strongly recommended that the buoyancy aid is worn.

2.       Members also are recommended to familiarise themselves with Mark Peacock’s ‘Pilotage Guide to the Upper River Humber’ and to have sufficient survival equipment on board. 

3.       ISAF Rules,  PART 1 – FUNDAMENTAL RULES, 4 - DECISION TO RACE. “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.”

4.     Brough tide heights are measured relative to Brough Chart Datum. Hull Albert Dock Outer Sill heights are given for reference.


Cruising, Seamanship and Construction 

The McKendick Cruising Cup 

Most Successful and Instructive Cruise.

The McKendrick Cruising Runners-up Trophy

Most Successful and Instructive Cruise Runner up (if awarded)

The McKendrick Weekend Cruising Cup

Best Weekend Cruise (Maximum 4-days)

The Bluebird Perpetual Challenge Trophy Best 2 to 5 Week Cruise

John. M. Hamilton. Cup

Best 24-hour Cruise

The Blofield Challenge Cup Best Weekend Cruise for Beginner
(max 4 days, <1year cruising experience)
Motor Cruising Cup Best Up-River or Canal Cruise
A. G. Forgan Salver Boat Construction/Rebuild/Restoration

Walter and Joan Webster Plate

Outstanding Seamanship

Services to the Club and Cadets 

Centenary Tray

Outstanding Services to the Club

Spindrift Prize

Services to the Club

Captain's Trophy

Captain's Award

Whitton Cup

Cadet of the Year

Racing Trophies

National Handicap for Cruisers (NHC) - Handicap Class

Tom Martin Trophy

Early Season Series

HYC Silver Jubilee Trophy

Mid Season Series

Gerald Wood Cup

Late Season Series

Burcom Trophy

Early Mid-Week Series

1902 Perpetual Challenge Cup Late Mid-Week Series
Trent Falls Trophy Thursday Round the Island Series

The Half Ton Cup

Down-River Series

Squib Class

Boggle Bowl

Mid Week Series

The Half Moddle Trophy

Saturday Morning Series

The Silver Salver

Saturday Morning Series

The Faxfleet Flagon

Sunday Morning Series

The Captain's Cup Sunday Evening Series

Regatta Trophies

Bull Light Vessel Trophy

NHC Class A

Oyster Ness Trophy NHC Class B (if run)

Proaxiom Trophy

Byron Class

21st Anniversary Trophy

Keelboat Class (FF/Squib) (if run)


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Website By Sam Willis